Jumbo Loans

Jumbo Mortgage Financing from Pike Creek Mortgage

Pike Creek Mortgage is your source for excellent jumbo mortgage rates. Our loan officers are experts in originating jumbo loans, and will work closely with you to ensure the process is smooth and stress free. If you are purchasing a new home we will also work closely with your real estate agent and the seller's agent. We understand that is important for everyone involved in the transaction to be on the same page to ensure its success.

What is a jumbo mortgage loan?

A jumbo loan is one where the loan amount is over the conventional limit. Because such a large amount is being borrowed lenders often charge slightly higher interest rates for these loans. That conventional loan limit varies based on your location, and is higher in areas of the country with higher housing prices.

In 2019 the conventional loan limit for a one unit property are*:

  • Contiguous Sates & DC: General - $484,850

*Limits can change for multi-family properties.

Your Pike Creek Mortgage Consultant can help you determine whether your property is in a high-cost area. Call .

Request a jumbo loan rate quote today

At Pike Creek Mortgage we have both fixed rate and adjustable rate jumbo mortgage financing available. Give us a call today to learn what today's low jumbo mortgage rates are, and to get the process started. We can be reached at , or if you prefer Apply Online.